Tag Archives: Minx Manicure


I’ve pretty much been obsessed with Minx since I clocked Samantha rocking liquid gold nails in Sex & the City 2. Since then I’ve tried every metallic nail polish going in an effort to get that same mirror effect but nothing even comes close *sigh*.

Then a couple of weeks ago I was lucky enough to finally try it out for an article I’m working on and Oh. My. God…It’s AMAZEBALLS! People are stopping me in the street to ask about my nails. They’re massively babeish, especially when worn with fist-fulls of silver rings.

I never want to see my normal nails again. Ever.

BTW – if you fancy trying it for yourself head to Groom in Selfridges. It’ll set you back £45 but is well worth it for special occasions or whatevs.